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59 Liturgical Leaders Drilled

59 Liturgical Leaders Drilled

By Ignatius Mvula

From 6th to 8th July 2017, the Pastoral Commission of the Diocese of Karonga organized a workshop for the Liturgical leaders of St Ignatius Parish in Nthalire. Some of the topics which were tackled during the workshop were: Liturgical Seasons in the Holy Catholic Church, Celebration of the Mass, Order of the Liturgical Celebration when there is no Mass, Christian leadership skills, Introduction to Bible and Sacraments.

The workshop was organised as part of the ongoing formation for lay faithful that the Diocese tries to arrange every year since its inception so as to cover the apparent gaps that exist during liturgical celebrations. When asked to assess the session, Fr Matthews Simwela, the curate of the St Ignatius Parish had this to say:

“We are grateful to the Diocese for organising these lessons in our parish, we really need well trained liturgical leaders who can help in conducting the liturgy when we as priests are not there, we have a vast parish so we cannot be at every place every time, we need the help of the lay faithful in proclamation of the gospel so that all the people of God can have life in fullness”

“I am extremely happy to be part of these lessons; I have now grown in some areas of the responsibility that the church has assigned to me. I have now known the right gestures when leading the liturgy when there is no priest” Said Charity Mtambo one of the participants of the lessons.

“How I wished we were to spend the entire week learning new things, I will now endeavour to recognise the presence of Jesus at Mass in all the four essential aspects, in the presiding clergy, in the bread and wine, in the assembly and in the word” added Benedict Sichali.

The workshop was attended by 59 participants of which 23 were females and 36 were males. The Liturgical workshops will take place in all 9 parishes of the Diocese of Karonga.

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