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Health Desk

The Health Desk has the function of coordinating the health services and programmes being implemented by the Commission. The Department implements projects in areas of HIV/AIDS prevention and management, home basic care, maternal and child health and sexual and reproductive health. In collaboration with the livelihood department, the desk also implements water, sanitation and hygiene activities. The department is also in charge of supervising and running several health institutions in the Diocese namely; Kaseye Community Health Centre, in Chitipa, Atupele Community Health Centre, St Anne’s Health Centre and Hope Clinic in Karonga district.

The Desk is headed by the Health Desk Officer and the current one is Mr Joseph Kimangila. 

Issues the Desk is Currently Working On

  • High prevalence of HIV
  • Low access to maternal and child health services
  • High burden of selected preventable health conditions that contribute most to the sufferings and deaths in Malawi
  • Weak and uncoordinated management structure at diocesan level
  • Rampant population growth
  • Absence of a fully established Catholic hospital in the Diocese

Thematic Areas as Per the 2016-2020 Strategic Plan

  • HIV/AIDS Prevention and Management
  • Maternal and Child Health.
  • Sexual and Reproductive Health
  • Health systems strengthening

Past and Present Projects Being Implemented by the Desk

HIV/AIDS Prevention in Karonga Diocese National Aids Commission Karonga ;Chilumba and Chitipa; Mwaulabya Completed; 2014-2015
Invest for Impact Against TB/HIV Action Aid/Global Fund ($202,702.70) Chitipa and Karonga Districts Ongoing; 2016 to 2019
Karonga Diocese Cholera Preparedness project CRS Malawi ($11,493.44)($60,810.81) Karonga District Completed; January to April 2016
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