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Justice and Peace Desk

The Justice and Peace Desk of Karonga Diocese is a governance and advocacy arm of the Diocese of Karonga. It was established with the mandate to promote Justice and Peace and to uphold the dignity of the human person through the promotion of genuine democracy, respect for human rights and freedoms, good governance and the rule of law. The overall aim of the Justice and Peace Desk is to awaken God’s people, through the process of conscientization to further the understanding of all people on social justice, leading to a greater awareness of human rights. It also promotes a critical conscience which empowers people to challenge and act in order to overcome unjust situations and social abuse.

The desk is headed by the Desk Officer, who is seconded by various Project Officers who also supervise and work hand in hand with Field Officers. The current Desk Officer is Mr. Cuthbert Mkandawire.

Issues the Desk is Currently Working On

  • Limited understanding of human rights and constitutionalism:
  • Gender disparities:
  • Limited access to justice
  • Lack of accountability and transparency in governance.
  • High prevalence of violent conflicts mainly over land and chieftaincy.
  • Abusive and irresponsive extractive industry

Thematic Areas as Per the 2022-2026 Strategic Plan

  • Peace Building
  • Gender Justice
  • Extractive Governance
  • Social Accountability

Past and Present Projects Being Implemented by the Desk

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