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Fin. Inv. & Adm

Finance, Investment & Administration

The section of Finance, Investment and Administration is the centre of the activities of the Diocese of Karonga because it is the custodian of the all the property of the Diocese of Karonga. It is the section which has to give life to both Pastoral and Caritas Commissions because it keeps, guides and intervenes on how the available resources and those to come must be used. It is the section which has the life of the Diocese of Karonga. It is headed by the Director of Finance, Investment and Administration (DOFIA).

The current DOFIA is Father Cecilio Silwamba.

Structure of the Section

The section has four department headed by different by people according to their professions. The departments are:

1. Human Resource Department

This department is headed by the Human Resource Officer and is the responsible for issues related human resource. The Human Resource Officer looks at how the employees are treated, and how the labour laws are being followed, even to redress issues which come up because of misunderstandings. The Human Resource Office makes the working relations both for the employees and employer cordial. The Human Resource Office is working in the atmosphere which needs a lot of patience but at the same time guidance so that everybody does they are supposed to do.click here for more

2. Finance/ Accounts Department

There is the Finance Department which is headed by the Diocesan Accountant who is responsible for all the technical issues about finances. The Diocesan Accountant is responsible for coming up with budgets, controls, and implementation plans and any other issue related to the use of the resources and how best they could be used. The Accountant is compelled to come up with financial reports every month.click here for more

3. Procurement Department

This is not yet fully developed department but many transactions depend on it. Thus the purchase of goods and services is necessary for the smooth operations of the Diocese of Karonga and several of its arms in order to effectively reach to the people we serve. The aim of the internal control systems for the procurement of goods and services is to ensure quality and value of money and ensuring that orders are handled by individuals having the skills in evaluating what purchases are required from the suppliers offering the best deals, to ensure purchases made do not exceed the budget provided and to ensure purchased goods and services conform with the quantity and price specified in the order. Overall, this will ensure transparency and accountability in all Diocesan procurements.click here for more

4. Resource Mobilisation and Investments Department

This department is headed by the Resource Mobilization and Investment Officer. The main task is to find and raise resources for the Diocese so that all the needs are attended to accordingly. It is critical position but very key to the life of the Diocese of Karonga. This officer is responsible to assist the Diocese of Karonga to move from relying on donation and project assistance to being a self-reliant church. This person has sleepless nights because has to find ways of sourcing out money to use in the running of the Diocese. click here for more

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