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Interreligious Dialogue Desk

Interreligious Dialogue Desk

Interreligious dialogue which is also known as interfaith dialogue refers to cooperative, constructive and positive interaction between people of different religious traditions (i.e. “faiths”) and/or spiritual or humanistic beliefs, at both the individual and institutional levels.

The area under the jurisdiction of the Diocese of Karonga has many faiths/denominations: the Church of Central African Presbyterian (CCAP), Anglican, Lutheran and other Churches of Evangelical origins. There are also local African independent Churches like the Blackman’s Church and Ngemera. There is also Islam, though it is a minority religion.

The Diocesan Desk of Interreligious Dialogue aims at promoting a mutual understanding and respect that allows the people of different faiths within the jurisdiction of the Diocese of Karonga to live and cooperate with each other in spite of their differences.

Objectives of the Interreligious Dialogue Desk

  • To Increase mutual understanding and good relations between Catholics and people of other faiths.
  • To identify causes of tension between Catholics and people of other faiths.
  • To build understanding and confidence to overcome or prevent tensions that are caused by religious beliefs of the people.
  • To break down the barriers and stereotypes which lead to distrust, suspicion and bigotry.
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