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Archives March 2019

File Photo: A cross section of participants during the monitoring exercise
Misuku Health Workers Commended For Improved Service Delivery
By Norbert Tambalamtuwa Mzembe Members of Kakoma Area Development Committee (ADC) at Misuku in Chitipa District have acknowledged that the good relationship and coordination between personnel of Misuku Health Center and the surrounding communities has contributed a lot towards desirable health service delivery in the area. [caption id="attachment_1961" align="alignnone" width="1024"] A cross section of participants... Read More
John Sibande: A beneficially of VSL and Goat Pass-on Program
VSL groups and Goat Pass on Program; A Tool for Defeating Poverty
By Gracious Chibaka Life starts at 40, many a man say so, but that is not the case on the ground. Malawians in urban and rural settings are experiencing the harsh realities of life with poverty, a routine word emanating from their mouths. For many a time they have tried to make a living out... Read More
Tritance Mtambo: A beneficially of the Vocational Skills Training Program displaying one of her products
Development Desk’s Vocational Skills Programme Gives a New Lease of Life to Women in Chisenga
By Gracious Chibaka Concurrently stress and depression is building up, family problems weighing her life down, with no end in sight, as her just ended marriage relentlessly reminds her that she is of no value, poverty roaring like a hungry lion with no flesh to devour. Negative thoughts have engulfed the 30-year-old Trintance Mtambo who... Read More
Health promotion session at Lusubilo
Infant Feeding Program; Touching the Hearts of Orphaned Infants
By Vitumbiko Ngwira Through the feeding program Lusubilo Orphan Care supports many infants who have either lost their mothers or those whose mothers are in critical illnesses that cannot allow them feed their babies properly. [caption id="attachment_1940" align="alignnone" width="1024"] Health promotion session at Lusubilo[/caption] The project supports 300 babies who have lost their mothers during... Read More
Bishop Mtumbuka Commissions Caritas Commission for Missio Ad Gentes
Caritas Commission Commissioned for Missio Ad Gentes
By Benjamin Msowoya Bishop Martin Anwel Mtumbuka of the Diocese of Karonga has, on Wednesday, commissioned the Caritas Commission (a socio-economic arm) for Missio Ad Gentes work in the Diocese during the Ash Wednesday liturgy which took place at Kaseye Secondary School in Chitipa District. In this Year of Missio Ad Gentes, the Caritas Commission... Read More
Sunday school children holding tree seedlings ready to plant
Sunday School Children In Itela Zone Taking Strides In Missio Ad Gentes
By Moses Kamanga In an effort to walk the talk on celebrating the year Missio Ad Gentes launched on the 9th of February Sunday School Children in Itela Zone under the new Parish of St. John Paul II have embarked on a tree planting exercise. [caption id="attachment_1933" align="alignleft" width="225"] One of the planted trees[/caption] This... Read More
Ad Gentes Missionaries Prepared for Their Special Task
By Benjamin Msowoya The Pastoral Commission of the Diocese of Karonga has from Wednesday 27 February to Saturday 2nd March oriented 13 Ad Gentes Missionaries. The orientation exercise, which took place at St Mary’s Parish, targeted the thirteen missionaries selected for the mission. Among the thirteen are twelve men and one woman. The aim of... Read More
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