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Archives November 2019

The catechist stressing on data collection strategy
Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish Holds Sunday School Review Conference
By Paul Mwandira The office of the Catechetical Methodology Advisor of Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish organized 2019 Sunday school evaluation conference. The meeting was organized with the support from the Sunday School Desk which is implanting the Sunday School Project with financial support from the Coppel Family. The conference attracted 41 Sunday school instructors... Read More
Bishop Mtumbuka with CICM fathers and Christians
Congregation of Immaculate Conception of Mary Fathers Visit Karonga Diocese
By Chimwemwe Chisi The Diocese of Karonga recently received members of the Congregation of Immaculate Conception of Mary (CICM) led by their Superior General, the Very Reverend Father Charles Phukuta, who came on a familiarisation tour of the Diocese. The congregation is set to open a mission in the Diocese of Karonga in 2020, and... Read More
Vincent Bwinga of Justice and Peace Desk giving welcoming remarks
Ulambiya-Kaseye ADC Meeting Expectations of ECM and DCA
By Lestina Sanga The Episcopal Conference of Malawi (ECM) and Danish Church Aid (DCA) are impressed with the Community Action Groups (CAGs), Community Journalists (CJs) and Area Development Committee (ADC) of Ulambiya-Kaseye ADC. This transpired during the recent monitoring visit, conducted by DCA and ECM, to some of the project sites for the DCA funded... Read More
Mwamphashi during one of his test ride trips
Farmers in Chitipa Hail Collective Marketing Introduced by Karonga Diocese
By Saloom Longwe Ownex Mwamphashi aged 38, living with a family of 7 members including his wife and 5 children, hails from Mugalure Village, T/A Mwabulambia in Chitipa district. Mwamphashi is one among several farmers enjoying the fruits of joining Farmer’s Club which later turn to operate in Collective Marketing with many other farmer clubs.... Read More
Moses Nyondo captured at one of the construction sites
Community Based Vocational Skills Project Begins to Bear Fruits Among Trainees: The Case of Moses Nyondo of Chakwela Village T/A Kilupula in Karonga.
By Elijah Banda Moses Nyondo is a third born son in the family of Mr & Mrs Clifton Nyondo of Chakwela Village T/A Kilupula in Karonga District. He has 5 siblings, all ladies. His father died in 2013, when he was only 18 years old. His mother, now 45, depends on cultivation of cassava and... Read More
Abigail on the Path to Economic Independence: Thanks to Vocational Skills Programme
By Saloom Longwe* Unemployment rate among graduates from formal and informal colleges is on the rise in the country. This is compounded by the tendency of most graduates is to sit on the knowledge and skills acquired and wait for the day when they will be hired. Abigail Siyeni, a graduate from the vocational skills... Read More
Communities in Chisankhwa Take Initiative to Construct Colbelt Pit Latrines for the Elderly
By Leah Nyondo Communities of James and Ngulumbi villages in Chisankhwa have identified two vulnerable households whom they will assist in constructing a colbelt pit latrine, under the WASH project funded by Cross Catholic Outreach. Karonga Diocese, through the Development Desk, is promoting the use of colbelt pit latrines because they use locally available resources,... Read More
Bishop Mtumbuka Dedicates St Pius Catholic Church
By Ignatius Mvula After waiting for almost a year, Christians of Wiliro Zone under St Joseph the Worker Cathedral, were all smiles at Bishop Martin Anwel Mtumbuka consecrated St Pius XI Prayer House on 10th November, 2019. The official opening of the Church drew hundreds of Christians from other with the jurisdiction of the Cathedral... Read More
Village Headman Kenani Allocates Land to St Mary’s Parish for Church Construction
By Phillip Chisi On Sunday 27 October, 2019, Village Headman Kenani and elders under Vilangale  Traditional Area offered a piece of land for the construction of prayer center for Catholic Church. In his speech, the traditional leader said spiritual development of the area has been his major concern. He appealed to the Diocese of Karonga,... Read More
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