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The Catholic Diocese of Karonga is found in the Northern part of Malawi. Malawi is a landlocked country found in South Eastern Africa with a size of about 118,000km². It is bordered by Tanzania to North East, Zambia to the North West and Mozambique to the South East and South West.

The Diocese is fairly new, created on 21st July 2010 by Pope emeritus Benedict XVI. It was officially inaugurated on 20th November 2010, on the same day Rt. Rev. Martin Anwel Mtumbuka was consecrated as the Chief Shepherd of the Diocese. The Diocese of Karonga covers the two entire districts of Karonga and Chitipa and some northern parts of Rumphi district.

Previously, the area that is under the Diocese of Karonga was under the Diocese of Mzuzu; it was the Northern  Deanery of the Diocese of Mzuzu. Its administrative centre at Karonga town. At the time the Diocese of Karonga was established, the area had an estimated 451,861 people covering an estimated area of 12,000 km². From the 451,861 people, the Diocese had about 60,000 Catholics representing 14%. At the time the Diocese of Karonga was established, the area had an estimated 451,861 people covering an estimated area of 12,000 km². From the 451,861 people, the Diocese had about 60,000 Catholics representing 14%.

According to the 2008 population census, the population of Karonga and Chitipa was 272, 789 and 179,072 respectively. The two districts had population growth rate of 3.5 %.

With the population of parts of Rumphi and also if the population growth rate of 3.5% is factored in, it means that the Diocese of Karonga is currently serving an estimated population of about 590,000.

The Diocese of Karonga covers some of the areas in the country that are hard to reach. The Diocese is flanked by Lake Malawi on the eastern side and on the western side there are mountainous areas. The Diocese reaches out to areas like Livingstonia, Nyika plateau and Misuku hills. The area is predominantly Tumbuka speaking but the residents use other languages such as Lambya, Ndali, Nyakyusa, Ngonde.

The Way We are Organised
Following the Episcopal Conference of Malawi Strategic framework, the Diocese of Karonga is divided into three sections, namely: the Pastoral Commission, the Caritas Commission and the Finance, Investments and Administration. Each of these three sections is governed by a Board or Council. The Bishop is the head of the Diocese. Currently, the Bishop is Rt. Rev. Martin Anwel Mtumbuka, and the Vicar General, Rev. Msgr. Lorent Chogawana Dziko.


The Diocese envisions a Family of God filled with the Holy Spirit and living in harmony, peace and solidarity.

The Diocese shall provide holistic evangelisation through teaching of the Word of God and facilitating development work.

Core Values
The principle values of the Diocese will remain the most important component in the work of the Diocese and will help distinguish the Diocese from other actors involved in evangelization and development within its jurisdiction. And in order to contribute towards the attainment of her vision and mission statement, the Diocese upholds the following Gospel values:

  • Defending the Dignity of the Human Person – Especially of Children, Women and the Aged
  • Being on the side of the Poor and Oppressed
  • Promoting Justice and Peace
  • Accountability in the Use of Church Resources
  • Exemplary Life by All Agents of Evangelisation

Overall Strategic Goal
The overall goal which in the next five years the Diocese will work towards achieving based on her vision, mission and her aspirations is to develop a self-reliant Church which is self-propagating, self-ministering and self-supporting while promoting the holistic development of a person.

For more refer to DIOCESE OF KARONGA STRATEGIC PLAN 2016 – 2020

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