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Education Desk

The Education Desk is responsible for provision of education services in the Diocese. The Department also manages all education institutions owned or administered by the Diocese and its subsidiaries. It offers services in the area of primary, secondary and tertiary educations. The Desk manages 1 Technical College (Miracle Technical College), 5 Secondary Schools (Chaminade Boys, Kaseye Girls’, St. Mary’s Karonga Girl’s, St Ignatius of Loyola Boarding School and St Mauritius Secondary), 4 Community Day Secondary Schools (Ngara, Fulirwa and St Annes and St Monica) and 84 Catholic primary schools. It also formulates education policies for the Diocese and ensures that all its primary, secondary and tertiary education institutions have standardized approach to education services.

Since 2011, the Department has focuses its attention in constructing new school facilities including establishing new primary and secondary schools.

The Desk is headed by the Education Desk Officer and the current one is Mr Lino Nyirenda. 

Issues the Desk is Currently Working On

  • Inadequate access to quality and relevant education (at all levels)
  • High illiteracy levels among adults
  • High levels of unemployment among youths

Thematic Areas as Per the 2016-2020 Strategic Plan

  • Promotion of Access to Education for all
  • Education infrastructure development and Management
  • Capacity building for teachers
  • Vocational Training for the Youth
  • Adult Education

Past and Present Projects Being Implemented by the Desk

Construction works at Kaseye Girls Secondary School Various Donors Chitipa District Mostly done and on going
Construction of St. Mary’s Girls Secondary School Mathile Family ($2,000,000) Karonga District Completed; 2013 to 2016
Construction of laboratories for St. Annes and Fulirwa community day secondary schools Japanese Embassy ($60,810.81) Karonga District Completed; 2015
Construction of Williro Community Day secondary school Jonannes Beese – Germany Karonga District Ongoing; Started 2015-
Construction of St Ignatius Boarding Secondary School Umckaloabo with Johannes Beese – Germany Chitipa District ongoing
St Mary’s-Karonga Girls Secondary School Computer and Science Laboratories Project Porticus ($64,000) Karonga District Ongoing
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