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Category Resource Mobilisation Desk

Fuel attendant practicing the use of fire extinguisher
Chitipa Filling Station Fuel Attendants Attain Fire Fighting Skills
By Stephano Nkhata The Diocese of Karonga has trained fuel attendants at her Chitipa Filling Station on how to use handheld fire extinguishers to stop fire in case it occurs at the site. This day long training took place at the newly upgraded filling station in Chitipa. In his explanation, the facilitator of the training... Read More
This is how the filling station will look like upon completion
Chitipa Filling Station to Wear a New Face
Introduction In order to mobilise local resources to support pastoral and development work, the Diocese of Karonga owns and operates a fuel retail site at Chitipa Boma. The Diocese of Karonga bought the site from a businessman who has abandoned it in 2013. Since then, Chitipa Filling Station has been the sole formal supplier of... Read More
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