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Diocesan Council of Priests

The Diocesan Council of Priests (DCOP), which sometimes it is called Presbyteral Council is a group of priests chosen to assist the local ordinary in an advisory capacity in the governance of a diocese. The Code of Canon Law (Canon 495) requires that each diocese have a Council of Priests.  The council serves to assist and advise the Bishop in matters concerning the pastoral welfare of the people of God in the Diocese.  In general, the purpose of the DCOP is:

  1. To provide for the full and free discussion of all issues of pastoral concern in the diocese.
  2. To assist the bishop according to the norm of law in his pastoral governance of the diocese.
  3. To search for and to propose ways and means for effective pastoral ministry with other consultative bodies and with the bishop.
  4. To be representative of the unity, diversity and needs of the priests to the bishop.

In the Diocese of Karonga, the following are members of the DCOP:

  1. Rev. Fr. Lorent Dziko
  2. Rev. Fr. Regis Kamera
  3. Rev. Fr. Preen Charles, MSFS
  4. Rev. Fr. Cosmas Mwanjabala.

The following will be ex-officio members:

  1. Monsignor Denis Chitete, Vicar General
  2. Fr. Dr. Steven Bulambo, Judicial Vicar
  3. Rev. Fr. Joseph Moloka Sikwese, Pastoral Coordinator
  4. Rev. Fr. Alick Sikwese, Director of Finance, Investments and Administration
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