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Welcome to the Karonga Diocese Official Website

Welcome to the Karonga Diocese Official Website

The Catholic Diocese of Karonga is found in the Northern part of Malawi. Malawi is a landlocked country found in South Eastern Africa with a size of about 118,000km². It is bordered by Tanzania to North East, Zambia to the North West and Mozambique to the South East and South West.

The Diocese is fairly new, created on 21st July 2010 by Pope emeritus Benedict XVI. Read more about us here: ABOUT US

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One thought on “Welcome to the Karonga Diocese Official Website

  1. Good morning sir,

    I’m looking for place for my-daughter she is from 3
    Please help us

    And how much school fees

  2. To whom it may concern,
    I came across an interview that the Bishop gave around 7 years ago in London on youtube. I was so impressed with him that I have since then looked for images of Karonga on Youtube and there are a few, and of course some of the Bishops homilies and certain ceremonies, e-.g. ordination of Deacons. The Bishop has a robust style when he is trying to impress upon the people the dangers of certain sinful ways. Your website in African terms is very good. It would be really helpful to see what the parishes are like and some of the needs in terms of possible support for out-stations. I am a Priest of the Archdiocese of Westminster who is always interested to see how the Church is growing and developing in Africa. I may never get to any of these places but it is really up-lifting to see how the Holy Spirit is working in Africa and using a charismatic Bishop like Bishop Martin and his priests to make the Church vibrant. Thank you and I will keep you in my prayers.

  3. I also feel the same way as Fr. Zsidi.
    Wish I ciuld get to know more about how to help the diocese.
    I have made some efforts to reach out withiut success.

  4. Hello Fr Gabriel Zsidi. I came acroos your comment. it was interesting for me to read it. I would like to ask you a question, if you dont mind. What exactly is an outer station?. I searched the web and could not dind anything. couldyou plese be so kind as to give me an idea of what it is? Thank you. Isabel Scheidl (from Argentina – South America)

  5. When is the new secondary school St Mauritius being constructed in Lula Rumphi going to have its first intake

  6. Just want to thank the Catholic Church in Malawi in terms of education promotion
    You are second to none
    St Mary’s Karonga
    Mary Mount
    St John Bosco

    Very superb performance and am very proud of that for sure

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