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St Anne’s Health Centre

St Anne’s Health Centre


St Anne’s Health Centre is located along the M1 road some 70 kilometres south of Karonga Boma near Uliwa Township. It was established in 1948 by Missionary Sisters of Immaculate Conception (MIC), who later handed it over to the Diocese of Mzuzu.

The facility has serves 6697 people scattered in seven villages over an area of 30 square kilometres. The common food for people in the catchment area is cassava and maize served with fish which is easily accessible due to proximity to Lake Malawi.

The facility is directed by the Sister-in-Charge appointed by the congregation (Sisters of Rosary) assigned as Agent to run the facility. She is supported by management team, which comprises of heads of sections. The sections in the facility are Clinical, Nursing, Public Health and Administration. Currently the facility has 58 staff members.

The facility’s closest facilities are Chilumba Barracks Clinic and Chilumba Health Centre.

Common illnesses in the area include malaria, acute respiratory infection (ARI) and anaemia.

The facility has a good working relationship with the Christian Health Association of Malawi (CHAM) and neighboring Government health facilities. There is adequate transport for ferrying patients. Being close to the main road, the facility is easily accessible by road during all seasons.

In spite of all successes, the facility has a number of challenges:

  • Inadequate staff houses for trained staff
  • Lack of Laboratory room, currently, the Lab is improvised and small to accommodate all services
  • Inadequate essential drugs and medical supplies and equipment
  • Inadequate resources to support staff career development
  • In availability of space to accommodate admitted male and children patients
  • The facility does not have a Theatre. This means antenatal mothers with complications that can be managed at the facility have to be referred to the District Hospital 70km away.
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