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Archives May 2020

File Photo: A cross section of participants during the monitoring exercise
Karonga Diocese Health Desk conducts review and mentorship meetings for TB community volunteers in Karonga and Chitipa District
By Vincent Shaba The Health Desk conducted review and mentorship of volunteers in Chitipa and Karonga Districts under a community TB care project entitled Invest for impact against TB/HIV. Meetings took place from the 23rd of March this year. The purpose of these meetings was to monitor progress of activities including community education of TB,... Read More
PET conducted at Hara Maternity wing
By Lestina Sanga 'Public resources need to be well accounted for', Mr Msukwa, the Karonga District Council Finance Committee Chairperson. This was stated in his speech during Public Expenditure Tracking (PET) dissemination for the Construction of Hara maternity wing at Chankholombe School. the PET dissemination was organised by the Justice and Peace Desk of Karonga... Read More
Oxygen Concentrators
Covid-19 Preparedness and Response: Action Taken by Diocese of Karonga to Date
Introduction Coronavirus disease, pneumonia of unknown cause detected in Wuhan, China, was first reported to the World Health Organisation (WHO) on 31st December, 2019. The outbreak was declared a Public Health Emergency of International Concern on 30 January, 2020. On 11 February 2020, WHO announced a name for the new coronavirus disease: COVID – 19;... Read More
Blown-off roof
2019/2020 Floods and Strong Winds: A Report From St. Joseph The Worker Cathedral – Karonga, Malawi
By Mons Denis S. Chitete - CATHEDRAL ADMINISTRATOR* From the month of November 2019 to April 2020, Karonga District experienced heavy rains and strong winds, which led to many families being displaced either because of floods or roofs of their houses being blown-off. The children and the elderly are the most affected. Some of the... Read More
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