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Archives December 2019

Jimu Msukwa at his carpentry shop early this year making final touches on his products
Carpentry Skills Make Positive Impact On Jimu Msukwa
By Gibson Ngwira Jimu Msukwa hails from John 1 Village in Group Village Headman Mwenechipwela, Traditional Authority Mwenemisuku in Chitipa District where he was born and raised. Jimu lost his father while he was very young and has been brought up by his mother only. “I cannot remember when my father died because he died... Read More
Group photos during the field day at Kasonkhwe
Development Desk Promotes Conservation Agriculture in Traditional Authority Mwalweni
By Harold Mwale Effects of climate change and environmental degradation have not spared the area of Traditional Authority Mwalweni which is under Saint Francis De Sales Parish of Karonga Diocese in Rumphi District. The topography of the area makes it susceptible to soil erosion, especially when farmers do not follow proper soil and water conservation... Read More
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