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Archives September 2023

New lease of life: Estida Msonda standing on her newly built house.
Karonga District Council Commends Development Desk’s Disaster Preparedness Project
By Ellah Chirwa Karonga District Council has commended the Development Desk (also known as CADECOM) of the Diocese of Karonga for training communities, living in disaster prone areas of Traditional Authorities Mwkaboko, Mwirangombe and Wasambo, in disaster preparedness. New lease of life: Estida Msonda standing on her newly built house. This commendation was made by... Read More
An established macadamia nuts plantation at Chipunga Farm
The Eye of the Needle: Church Mission and Investment
*By Father Joseph Mkinga In Luke 18:22, Jesus tells a wealthy young man to ‘sell all that you own and distribute the money to the poor.’ Jesus goes on to say, ‘it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of... Read More
A cross-section of participants captured during the training
Justice and Peace Desk Trains Safeguarding Focal Persons
By Janet Mhango From the 14th to the 15th of September, CCJP has trained the Safeguarding Focal Persons on safeguarding, case management, and referral. The training brought about 54 Safeguarding Focal Persons from 25 Catholic Primary Schools and 4 Catholic Secondary Schools in Chitipa District.  A cross-section of participants captured during the training Through the... Read More
Board Members during their meeting
St Mauritius Secondary Set for Second Enrollment of Form I – Board
By Lino Nyirenda The Board of Governors of St Mauritius Secondary School, meeting on 4th September, 2023, has confirmed that the School is set to receive the second cohort of Form I. Board Members during their meeting The school opened its doors to education on 10th October, 2022 with 100 Form I students. Selection to... Read More
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