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Karonga Diocese Trains 214 Instructors of Children

Karonga Diocese Trains 214 Instructors of Children

In order to improve the teaching skills of Sunday School instructors and the quality of their catechetical lessons in the Diocese of Karonga, St Mi


chaels Parish and St John Paul II Sub-Parish conducted short training sessions for Sunday School Instructors.  The training sessions were organised through the Sunday School Project and were conducted in two different venues.


In St John Paul II Sub-Parish, the training took place at Kapoka prayer centre from 26-28 June 2017.  A total of 87 instructors were trained.  46 (53%) of the trained instructors were male while 41 (47%) were female.   St John Paul II Sub-

Parish has 28 sub-stations, and initial plans were to train 4 instructors per prayer centre; 2 inst


ructors for the Junior Sunday School Children (aged 5-13 years) and 2 instructors for the Senior Sunday School children (between 13 and 16 years of age).   This means that the Sub-Parish has managed to train 78% of its target instructors this time.


The training in St Michaels Parish took place at the parish centre from 28-30 June 2017.  St Michaels which has 50 Sunday school centres also planned to train 4 instructors per centre for both junior and senior Sunday School Children.  A total of 127 (64%) instructors of Sunday School children were trained.  A majority of the train


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nstructors were female, 71 (56%) while male instructors were 56 (44%).


The Pastoral Commission, through the Sunday School Project and Pastoral Teams of the respective parishes fulfilled this training programme in conjunction with the Education Department of the Diocese.


Many instructors were very grateful to have undergone the training.  They pledged to be more committed in their roles of teaching the children, leading their liturgy and record keeping for accurate data.   The Sunday School Project is funded by the Coppel Family of Mexico. The fifth phase of the Project came to an end on 30 June 2017.

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