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Bishop Mtumbuka Confirms 317 Christians at Kasantha: Calls for Peace

One of the candidates presenting himself before the Bishop to be confirmed
Bishop Mtumbuka Confirms 317 Christians at Kasantha: Calls for Peace

By Ignatius Mvula

On Friday, 10th August 2018, Bishop Martin Mtumbuka reiterated his call to Christians and people of goodwill to preserve peace in their areas.

Entrance Procession: Bishop Mtumbuka and Father Laurent Dziko (Parish Priest of Kasantha)
Entrance Procession: Bishop Mtumbuka and Father Laurent Dziko (Parish Priest of Kasantha)

The Bishop made this call, in his address to the gathering at St Steven’s Parish (Kasantha), after administering the Sacrament of Confirmation to 317 Christians. The area under St Steven’s Parish is usually affected by violent conflicts over land, witchcraft allegations and chieftaincy wrangles.

One of the candidates presenting himself before the Bishop to be confirmed
One of the candidates presenting himself before the Bishop to be confirmed

“As a Church and people of good will, we are all invited to proclaim peace in our societies. We cannot be indifferent, when people who are advanced in years are being beaten or driven out of their homes. This is uncalled for,” said Bishop Mtumbuka.

He added that it is a contradiction to say that we are Christians and live a life which is contrary to the core values of Christianity.

“It is deception to come to Church in large numbers or administer sacraments to huge numbers of people yet there is no genuine love and reconciliation among us,” said the Bishop.

Live the Catholic faith: Bishop Mtumbuka urges the newly confirmed
Live the Catholic faith: Bishop Mtumbuka urges the newly confirmed

“In as far as we are concerned, we shall never keep silent when old people are being tortured, beaten, accused for no reason at all, all people are dignified regardless of their age or status, so we must treat them with that dignified status” Said Right Reverend Mtumbuka drawing applause from a cathedral that gathered at the parish.

The Bishop said in clear terms that terms that all Catholics involved in all kinds of violence will be excommunicated from sacramental life.

The Bishop encouraged the youth and Sunday school children to concentrate on school so as to grow into trustworthy adults.

“The Pastoral Commission must ensure that our youth and children are well prepared in the Catholic faith so that their life does not contradict what they say and do,” said the Bishop.

The Catechetical Methodology Advisor for Kasantha Parish, Mr Bernard Nyasulu attributed the large numbers of people joining the Catholic faith to the work of Tuntufye FM Radio and the new catechism of the Diocese.

“The radio has played a big role in drawing people to the Catholic Church. Secondly, the catechism has had a huge impact on the people,” said Mr Nyasulu.

The Parish Priest of Kasantha Father Laurent Dziko thanked God for this year’s harvest where 132 people were baptised and 317 were confirmed. Out of the confirmed 91 are Sunday school children while 58 were youth.

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