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CCJP Uses Football Competition as a Platform for Promoting Health Rights

CCJP Uses Football Competition as a Platform for Promoting Health Rights

By Wezi Mwangonde

The Justice and Peace Desk of the Catholic Diocese of Karonga has said the strategy of football competitions to mobilize community members in rural areas has helped in the sustainability of the Health governance project.

Catechist Francis Sichali, leader of CCJP Health Governance Project volunteers revealed to Tuntufye FM at Mpata in Karonga District that most community members shun away from meetings they organize hence the message they disseminate does not reach out to many.

A cross-section of supporters captured during the activity

He added that knowing that football attracts many people, they decided to use it as a way of empowering rural communities on health rights for them to participate effectively in the management of public health services.

Speaking at the same function, Moses Mwakisalu, a CCJP official, urged traditional leaders in the area to help their members understand health rights in order to demand quality health services which is the major aims of the project.

“Mpata is a rural area, therefore football bonanza as one of the local activities helps to mobilize community members thereby  communicating health governance rights effectively’’ said Mwakisalu.

Concurring with Mwakisalu, one of the football prayers of Nkhando FC Hasting Mwakapeye said many people came to the health governance bonanza because CCJP involved local teams which is the best way of delivering messages to people in rural areas.

“I am personally very impressed with the strategy that CCJP has put forward and the message has been delivered” said Mwakapeye.

The football bonanza was between Lupaso and Nkhando FC, at the end of the bonanza Nkhando FC emerged victors.

CCJP is empowering people in health governance project with funding from Open Society Initiative for Southern Africa (OSISA)

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