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By Noel Chatepa In a world where ancient beliefs intersect with modern human rights, the Catholic Commission for Justice and Peace (CCJP) Karonga Diocese has taken a bold step to address one of the most pressing issues which is violence against individuals accused of witchcraft. In line with this, CCJP Karonga Diocese conducted a community awareness meeting on... Read More
In an effort to assist in healthcare services delivery in Karonga, the Karonga Diocese on 5th April 2024 made a donation of hospital beds, mattresses, syringes and face shields to Karonga District Hospital (KDH). The Health Desk Officer (HDO), Mr. Joseph Kimangila represented the Diocese in the handover ceremony where the items were received by... Read More
Bishop Mtumbuka laying hands on Deacon Erick Nyondo as part of the ordination rite
Karonga Diocese Has One New Priest
By Benjamin Msowoya Bishop Martin Anwel Mtumbuka of the Diocese of Karonga on Saturday ordained Deacon Erick Nyondo to priesthood during a solemn Eucharistic celebration which took place at St Joseph the Worker Cathedral. The celebration attracted Catholic faithful and people of goodwill from within and outside the diocese. Following his ordination, Father Erick Nyondo... Read More
Bishop Martin Mtumbuka (middle) and concelebrants during Mass
Bishop Leads Curia Officers in Commemorating All Souls Day
Bishop Martin Anwel Mtumbuka of the Diocese of Karonga has urged officers who work at the Diocesan Curia Offices to pray and do everything within their power to be found worth of paradise at the hour of their death. The Bishop made this call on 2nd November, 2021, when he presided over Holy Mass commemorating... Read More
Bishop Mtumbuka Catechises on the Lord’s Prayer
By Benedict Kauteka Bishop Martin Mtumbuka of the Diocese of Karonga has taken the opportunity of the blessing of St Martin’s (Fulirwa) Catholic Church to deliver catechesis on the Lord’s Prayer. In his reflection on the prayer, which is commonly referred to as prayer to Our Father, the Bishop said Jesus that in the prayer,... Read More
Picture of Bishop Mtumbuka with the newly installed lectors after the Mass
Bishop Mtumbuka Institutes 45 Into The Ministry Of Lector
By Maureen Soko (Tfm) Bishop Martin Mtumbuka of Karonga Diocese has instituted 45 men and women, of St Mary’s Parish in Karonga, into the ministry of lector with a call for them to live by example. [caption id="attachment_747" align="alignnone" width="758"] Bishop Mtumbuka with the newly installed lectors after the Mass[/caption] According to Ministeria Quaedam 5,... Read More
Picture of Bishop Mtumbuka (in front) and Archbishop Ziyaye (behind) file past the body of Bishop Kanyama
Bishop Mtumbuka Describes the Death of Bishop Kanyama as a Great Loss
By Ephraim Nyirenda Catholics and people of goodwill from all walks of life gathered at Likuni Parish on Tuesday to pray for the repose of the soul of Bishop Emmanuel Kanyama of Dedza Diocese who passed on Friday, 16 February at his home; Kapiri in Mchinji District. [caption id="attachment_679" align="alignnone" width="758"] Bishop Mtumbuka (in front)... Read More
Karonga Diocese Develops Consolidated Annual Programme for 2018
By Moses Raymond Kamanga Walking the talk of embracing the centralised structure of running the Church in Malawi, Karonga Diocese takes a further stride by holding a joint planning meeting to come up with an annual consolidated programme for all the Commissions of the Diocese. Opening the meeting, Bishop of the Diocese of Karonga, Rt.... Read More
Bishop Mtumbuka Appoints Father Bulambo as Judicial Vicar
Bishop Martin Anwel Mtumbuka has appointed Reverend Father Doctor Steven Bulambo as Judicial Vicar of the Tribunal of the Diocese of Karonga. Father Bulambo, who holds a Doctorate Degree in Canon Law, was until this appointment Judicial Vicar Designate of the Diocese. This appointment  follows a message from the Supreme Tribunal in the Vatican confirming... Read More
Picture of Bishop Mtumbuka hands over keys to the Mr Ngwira and a student representative
Bishop Mtumbuka Hands over Minibus to St Mary’s Girls; Bemoans Stereotype against Girls in Education
By Norbert Tambalamtuwa Mzembe The leadership of the Diocese of Karonga has described as uncalled for, the tendency of underrating girls’ capacity for attaining higher education common among most Malawians. Bishop Martin Anwel Mtumbuka said this on Monday at the newly established Saint Mary Girls’ Secondary School in Karonga District. In a quest to break... Read More
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