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Picture of Interplast Team at Chitipa District Hospital
INTERPLAST Team in Second 2018 Visit to Karonga Diocese
By Vincent Shaba The second INTERPLAST Team (Orthopedic Surgical Specialists) arrived on the 24th of February from Germany to assist people with plastic and surgical ailments.  This team comprises of 5 people including Doctors, Nurses, Anesthetists and assistants. The Specialists deal with conditions including fractures, cleft lips and palates, malformation of hands/legs, extensive burn scars... Read More
Picture of We want an ambulance in Nthalire. Photo by Bishop Witmos
Nthalire Community Calls For an Ambulance
By Bishop Witmos (Contributor) Inadequate ambulances at Chitipa District Hospital is said to have slowed down access to health service by communities in the remotest area of Nthalire in Chitipa South. This was said during an interface meeting in Nthalire between the community members and officials from Chitipa District Hospital, which was organized by the... Read More
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