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179 Catholics from St. John Paul II Parish Receive the Sacrament of Confirmation

Monsignor Chitete administering the Sacrament of Confirmation
179 Catholics from St. John Paul II Parish Receive the Sacrament of Confirmation

By Brian Kachitete CMA

The Vicar General of the Diocese of Karonga Monsignor Denis Chitete on Saturday August 19, 2018 administered the Sacrament of Confirmation to 179 Christians at St John Paul II Parish in Chitipa District. The 179 Christians ranged from Sunday school children, youths and adults. Before the confirmations these Christians had undergone three weeks of intensive lessons.

Monsignor Chitete administering the Sacrament of Confirmation
Monsignor Chitete administering the Sacrament of Confirmation

In his homily, Monsignor Chitete reminded the faithful on the significance of the Sacrament of Confirmation.

“The sacrament you are receiving today is not just a symbolic gesture. This sacrament symbolizes that you are now adults. You must fully and actively participate in the life and activities of the Church,” said the Monsignor.

He also challenged the Christians who received the Sacrament to show the fruits of receiving the Holy Spirit in their daily lives in their villages. He urged them to show real signs of transformation, that people should see change in them.

‘‘When you go to your different homes, people should see the difference in you. Show to the world that you have received the Holy Spirit,’’ He said.

This is the second Confirmation to take place in St. John Paul ll Parish since it was established two years ago.

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