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Bishop Mtumbuka Launches Kasambizgani Mitundu Yose Volume Two

Bishop Mtumbuka Launches Kasambizgani Mitundu Yose Volume Two

By Innocent Nazombe

Bishop Martin Anwel Mtumbuka of the Diocese of Karonga, on Saturday, launched the second volume of Kasambizgani Mitundu Yonse (proclaim to all nations) catechism during a Eucharistic celebration which took place at Tilola Outstation, Wovwe Zone under St Anne’s Parish.

Just as the first volume, the second volume of the catechism takes the dialogical question and answer format with a number of Biblical verses backing the running text.

While the first volume covers articles of faith as contained in the creed, sacraments, laws of the Church and Sacraments, the second volume is apologetic in nature as it defends the teachings of the Church.

Kasambizgani Mitundu Yose Book Two responds to special faith questions and give the scriptural basis of the some of the Church’s teachings and practices. Some of these questions are about life after death, same sex marriages, being born again, the papacy and priestly celibacy.

In his homily, Bishop Mtumbuka said the aim of this catechism is help Christians meet Jesus, know him and his teachings and be saved. At this point, the Bishop took time to exhort the congregation on the missionary nature of Christian vocation.

“Proclaim the Good news,” Bishop Mtumbuka urges the faithful

“Once we have met Jesus, we are compelled to call others to meet Him. Once you have known Jesus, you become a missionary to let others know him and be saved,” said the Bishop.

“After meeting Jesus, Andrew went on to tell his brother about his encounter with the Lord. After meeting the risen Lord, Mary Magdalene rushed to share this good news with the disciples.” Said Bishop Mtumbuka.

“Intrinsic in salvation is that those who receive it do not keep it to themselves, it compels them to share it with others. Failure to preach the good news of salvation is a sign that we are yet to attain maturity in faith,” the Bishop further said.

“Christian maturity demands us to be concerned with the salvation of those who are yet to know Jesus by being missionaries sent even to our own friends,” added the Bishop.

The Bishop then exhorted all the faithful in the Diocese to read the catechism and understand the teachings. He cited that understanding the doctrine of the Church will now be a prerequisite for Catholics seeking employment in any Diocesan institution. He also stressed that those who assume leadership roles within Church structures have to be tested in their knowledge of Church teachings.

During the Mass, priests and a representative of catechists from all parishes were presented with a catechism and commissioned to spread the teachings.

Priests, catechists, religious and lay faithful from all over the diocese and beyond attended the function. Also in attendance was Senior Chief Mwirang’ombe.

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