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The Catholic Church Calls on its Faithful to be Salt and Light in Politics and Public Life

The Catholic Church Calls on its Faithful to be Salt and Light in Politics and Public Life

By Mwawi Shaba

The Catholic Church in Malawi through its Parliamentary Liaison Office (PLO) has called on all Catholics in Malawi to be interested and get involved in politics and public life.

The call was made by both Fr Joseph Sikwese, the Pastoral Secretary in Karonga Diocese, and Fr Henry Chinkanda; the Parliamantary Liaison Oifficer of the Episcopal Conference of Malawi (ECM) at St. Mary’s Parish Hall on 28th October, 2017 during a one day sharing on this subject.

Fr Sikwese pointed out that for the country to develop it requires to have drivers who are committed to principles of common good. If good people take part in running the affairs of the state good outcomes are expected. Catholic faithful should and are expected to be salt and light of the political field if they bring the Chritian values in the political and public arena.

According to Fr Chinkanda, the Church has been compelled to encourage its faithful to get involved in politics and public life observing that very few of them have actively  participated in it. Where they have, they have just been voters during elections which is not good enough.  It is hoped therefore that if more Catholic get involved in politics, they can exert posisitive influence towards the development of the country and help transform the political landscape for the betterment of Malawians.

He argued that by doing this, the Church is not trying to form a political party as some have feared because the Church has people from different political groups in the country.

Participants at the event appreciated the gesture by the Church to engaging them on this subject

The meeting was well attended by over 120 Catholics both men and women.

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