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CCJP Train 220 Community Police Members in Cases Handling

CCJP Train 220 Community Police Members in Cases Handling

By Vincent Bwinga

The Justice and Peace Desk of Karonga Diocese, which endeavors to create society with culture of respect for human rights, justice and peaceful co-existence where all people are dignified and liberated, has trained 220 community police members in cases handling. This has been done in order to bridge the gap in terms of reporting system of women and girls abuse cases from the community.

The training took place at Chisenga, Wen

ya, Nthalire and Mahowe in T/A Mwenewenya and Nthalire from 6th to 9th September 2017. The training created effective communication and participatory working environment between Malawi police units and community police through which cases and community safety issues will be jointly determined, solution proposed and implemented where appropriate.

The training will further facilitate reporting of cases from different communities to police stations and at the same time strengthening community security and the enjoyment of women and girls right. In his closing remarks after the training, Mr. Nyirenda the coordinator of community policing in Chitipa district encouraged community police member to take a leading role in reporting all cases and not to be involved in corrupt practices.

He promised to support the structures in whatever way possible so that there is a sustainable and collaborative efforts in dealing of crime and abuse. He applauded CCJP for playing a role in revamping these community structure. One of the participants Kalipo Mgala;who is also the CPF chairperson from Mahowe appreciated the training to have equipped him with very important skills which he will use in providing security in the community

This activity was implemented under the Community Managed Women Rights Advocacy Project (CMWRA) which is funded by Catholic Agency for Oversea Development (CAFOD).

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