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Development Desk Supports Tree Planting in Mwangolera Village

Community gathering after planting trees
Development Desk Supports Tree Planting in Mwangolera Village

[wowslider id=”9″]By Deodatus Muriya

The Development Desk of the Diocese of Karonga is supporting communties to plant trees in the 2018/2019 tree planting season. Among of the villages targeted in this year is Mwangolera  in the area of  TA Kyungu, in Karonga

On 13 February, 2019 the Desk carried out a tree planting exercise in the village. On the day, Principal Group Village Headman Mwangolera  assured the Diocese of Karonga and other stakeholders that he do everything possible to ensure that the trees planted survive by among other things protecting them from animals.

Mwangolera further thanked the Diocese for the various development initiatives in aid of his area. The traditional leader further asked the diocese to consider bee farming in the village woodlots as this may increase household income in his area.

Speaking on behalf of the Diocese of Karonga, Head of Monitoring and Evaluation Department; Deodatus Muriya assured the communities that the Diocese will continue supporting them in their afforestation drive by among other things helping them in raising nurseries and educating them on the benefits of investing in trees.

The event was attended by government officials, Non-Governmental Organisations working in the area and community leaders.

The Development Desk is expected to plant 139,000 trees in Chitipa and Karonga through the Integrated Rural Development Project in the 2018/2019 tree planting season with financial support from Misereor Germany.

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