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Education Desk Mobilizing Parents to Help Their Children Acquire Reading Skills

Picture of Participants captured during the planning and review meeting
Education Desk Mobilizing Parents to Help Their Children Acquire Reading Skills

By Deodatus Muriya (Monitoring and Evaluation Desk Officer)

The Education Desk of the Diocese of Karonga held a planning meeting at Vipya Lodge in Chilumba from 21st to 22nd December, 2017. This is part of the 18 month National Reading Programme, which the Education Desk is implementing with funding from USAID through RTI.

According to the Education Desk Officer, Mr Remmie Kamanga, the aim of the meeting is to orient the project team on the details of the project design and to develop a detailed implementation plan of the.

Further, Mr Kamanga said the project will help communities understand their responsibility in helping their children to read and write which are essential skills in the teaching and learning process.

The project will directly benefit the school children in the attainment of learning outcomes. This will help the children to pursue their education which is a springboard for personal and community development.

As an implementing agency, the Diocese of Karonga is facilitating in community mobilization for communities to take part in in helping their children to read and write. The project will be implemented in the entire districts of Chitipa and Karonga.

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