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Health Desk Holds TB Project Review and Planning Meeting

Community TB Volunteers putting on t-shirts as part of their identity
Health Desk Holds TB Project Review and Planning Meeting

By Deodatus Muriya

The Health Desk of the Diocese of Karonga says the Invest for Impact against TB and HIV has registered improvement this quarter in terms of new and presumptive TB cases as compared to the same period last year.

Health Desk Officer Vincent Shaba made this remarks during a quarterly review and planning meeting held at St Annie’s Parish in Chilumba on 17 May, 2019.

Despite registering improvement, Shaba cited two draw backs experienced in the reporting period, namely inactiveness of volunteers and limited supervision by Health Surveillance Assistants.

The participants to the meeting were the project team and Assistance District TB Officers from both Chitipa and Karonga District Health Office (DHO).

According to Shaba, the review and planning intended to see how the project has performed in the previous quarter and in which areas we need to improve in the coming quarter. At the end of the meeting, action points were drawn to consolidate the gains made and iron out challenges.

Among other things, the participants agreed to be involving all volunteers during health facility visits where they usually meet chairpersons of volunteers. They agreed to use these meetings as a platform for the project team to motivate volunteers.

The Health Desk is implementing TB Project which is been funded by Action Aid through Episcopal Conference of Malawi (ECM) Health Commission.

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