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Justice and Peace Desk Drums up Support for Female Candidates in Kameme

Mercy Mpoha Addressing the people at half time
Justice and Peace Desk Drums up Support for Female Candidates in Kameme

By Moses Tinala Mwakisalu

As one way of garnering support for women aspirants in political leadership in Kameme, the Justice and Peace Desk of the Diocese of Karonga through the 50:50 Campaign Project organized a football match between Isrando Football Club and Manyala Football Club; both from Kameme.

The football match, which took place at Ipenza Primary School in the area of Traditional Authority Kameme, was aimed at attracting voters to listen to women’s manifesto ahead of May 21 polls. Through the 50:50 Campaign, the Justice and Peace Desk is promoting women aspiring for elective positions.

One of the two female aspirants in the area, Mercy Mpoha came to the rally and she convincingly sold herself to the masses. While CCJP had a general call for the people to vote for a woman, Mercy Mpoha clearly articulated her manifesto to the multitude of voters present at the venue.

In her speech, both at half time and before the prize presentation to the winning team, Mercy Mpoha said time has come for people of Hanga Ward to consider seriously and choose development.

She assured the people gathered that once voted as Ward Councillor for the area, he will collaborate with the people to develop the area. She realizes that a genuine Ward Councillor works with the community to rightfully present their needs to the District Council.

She said she will work very closely with the Area Development Committee (ADC) and Village Development Committee (VDC). She noted that, since the dawn of multiparty democracy, the area has not seen any meaningful development, hence the need to vote for her.

Mercy Mpoha further said she would ensure that Chitipa District Council is more transparent and accountable in the administration of public funds to ensure that they serve the intended purpose which is the advancement of people’s wellbeing.

Drumming up support for Mpoha, Ipenza VDC Chairperson urged the people present to support Mercy and vote for her. He further said making a wrong choice will see the Kameme lagging behind in development for another five years.

Mapenenga dance from Nanyiru spiced up the gathering. At the end of the match, Manyala FC emerged winners and went away with a grand prize.

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