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Justice and Peace Desk Drills Methodology Advisors on Elections

Moses Mwakisalu making a presentation
Justice and Peace Desk Drills Methodology Advisors on Elections

By Wezi Mwangonde

The Justice and Peace Desk of the Diocese of Karonga has called on journalists to exercise professionalism in their reporting on elections in the run up to the 2019 Tripartite Elections.

Addressing Catechetical Methodology Advisors (CMAs), from all parishes under the Diocese of Karonga during a meeting at St Mary’s Parish in Karonga District, the Desk Officer for Justice and Peace Mr Louis Nkhata said journalists have a crucial role to play to prepare the general public for free, fair and transparent 2019 elections.

Moses Mwakisalu making a presentation
Moses Mwakisalu making a presentation

Nkhata further urged CMAs to take a leading role in raising awareness on elections and electoral processes to people under their care and also promote violent free campaign among followers of rival candidates.

“We believe in collaboration with different departments in the diocese as well as the media to achieve the objectives of the project therefore. It is sad that some contestants are little known in their areas because journalists, media, sometimes, favour the rich and powerful,” Nkhata explained.

Concurring with Nkhata, CMA for St Ignatius of Loyola Parish in Nthalire (Chitipa) Lino Nyirenda said they disseminate information on elections to prepare people to make informed choices come next year.

Nyirenda highlighted that the meeting has been an eye opener to all Methodology Advisors.

“We will make sure the people are aware of the objectives of this project in collaboration with CCJP structures which are already helping in the implementation of other projects,” said Nyirenda.

The Justice and Peace Desk is implementing Free, Fair and Transparent 2019 Tripartite Elections in all areas under the Diocese of Karonga with financial support from the Diocese of Munster in Germany.

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