Karonga Diocese Curia Staff Conduct their Annual Retreat at Kaseye
By Benjamin Msowoya
From 1st to 3rd September 2017, members of staff at the Curia Offices of the Diocese of Karonga had their annual retreat. The retreat took place at the Diocesan shrine of St Francis of Assisi at Kaseye in Chitipa. A total of 45 members of staff (32 male and 13 female) attended the retreat which was directed by Fr Lorent Dziko who is Parish Priest of St Stevens Parish and also Diocesan Chaplain for Lay Movements.
The Diocese, through the Pastoral Commission, organizes such annual spiritual exercises for her members of staff in order to allow then have special time for their spiritual stock-taking. All members of staff, both Catholics and non-Catholics had time for individual meditation, communal prayers including reciting of the Rosary, as well as; time for penance.
On Sunday,

during the closing liturgy for the retreat, members of staff joined the Kaseye local Christian Community for Mass which was presided over by Fr Lorent Dziko, the director of the retreat. Fr Dziko appealed to the members of staff to continue creating time for reflection in their day to day life. Following scriptures that were read during the closing liturgy, Fr Dziko urged all members of staff to courageously manage the challenges that come with their respective responsibilities whether at work or in their families because this is what it also means to carry one’s cross and follow Jesus.