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“No Work Place Is Transitory,” Father Silungwe Says

TFM Staff members with Father Silungwe after the recollection
“No Work Place Is Transitory,” Father Silungwe Says

By Wezi Mwangonde

Father Bernard Silungwe has asked Tuntufye FM Radio staff members to be dedicated in their work as it is God’s desire for them to be found at the radio.

TFM Staff members with Father Silungwe after the recollection
TFM Staff members with Father Silungwe after the recollection

Father Silungwe said this during a day-long Advent staff recollection organized by TFM to reflect on the theme “My Work Place, Gods Desire” to renew their commitment to the serve the Lord and those who listen to the Radio.

Father Silungwe further said as workers, they need not to consider their presence at Tuntufye FM as transitory, a spirit that could work against their own personal growth and professional development and the growth of the institution as a whole.

Father Silungwe further urged the staff members to be dedicated in their work and to do their very best in all their tasks.

“It is necessary for Christians to have a recollection in order to renew their commitment to the Lord. This is very helpful in your daily activities as employees, interns, and volunteers. You have to realize that your presence at the radio is God’s desire. Many would have loved to serve the radio in the positions you are holding, but they do not have that opportunity,” explained Father Silungwe.

During the retreat, Father Silungwe shared with the employees on a number of topics such as my broken self, my work place, the desire of God and unity of purpose.

In his remarks, TFM Director Innocent Nazombe, said the recollection is one way of helping staff members to recognize that they are a family and foster unity of purpose.

“We have decided to have a one day recollection for us to renew our commitment to the Lord first of all as Christians and secondly as employees at a Christian Radio Station. We need to continually rekindle our spiritual energy can we have the joy of sharing the Good news with our listeners,” said Nazombe.

One of the interns Aness Phiri, described the recollection day as portraying the spirit of togetherness as an institution without considering the position of a person because members of staff spent the day praying together.

The day long recollection took place on 21st December, which also marked four years since the radio started sending its signal.

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